X-Series amplifiers are built on a new Alpine-proprietary circuit design that achieves class-leading power density and reliability while performing at the top of its class. By simplifying the circuit topology, Alpine is able to ensure the cleanest possible signal path. While the simplicity of the circuit contributes to a great sounding signal, we added an exclusive dual feedback loop that corrects signal distortion. This clever design results in a frequency response that not only meets the Hi-Res audio standard of 40kHz but even extends up to 60kHz. The amp maintains a very low phase shift throughout the music spectrum, which allows your music stay faithful to the original recording with realism that puts you in the centre of the performance.
Compact and Powerful: the new digital amplification circuit allows very high power output while keeping a small footprint.
The new X-Series amps are designed for true Hi-Res Audio playback, featuring ultra-low distortion and a wide frequency range.
At the core of the X-Series Amplifier’s chassis is a solid cast aluminium heat sink, which keeps the amplifier cool when performing at its peak power levels. Excess heat is removed from the amplifier through the newly designed heat sink profile, which both improves airflow and increases surface cooling area. The fan-less channels located on both sides of the amp allow for convection flow of air; hot air naturally rises out from the top of the amplifier, which causes a vacuum that sucks in cool air from below. This smart design allows for continuous thermal control for an uninterrupted listening experience.
We fully redesigned the speaker and power supply terminal connectors: the very compact design allows clean and simple installation with lossless connectivity. Includes High Level Input with automatic power on.
Get the RUX-KNOB2 to control the subwoofer level output right from the dashboard. This controller is compatible with the X-A90M, X-A70F (3Ch+4Ch bridge mode) and the X-A90V (5Ch).
Max Power Output Ratings
RMS Power Ratings
Sound Tuning